Wednesday, April 21, 2010

BLUE GOING GREEN: Donate Your Old Denim

Turn you old denim into eco-friendly insulation

One pair on denim jeans can change the world!

Who knew that your old denim jeans which take up closet space can be used to create eco-friendly insulation for homes? The Cotton. For Blue To Green drive was created in 2006 inspired by college students to help educate other coeds about the natural renewable and recyclable attributes of denim. As of date, the Cotton.For Blue To Green has created approximately 540 homes from all the jeans donated to their organization. From fashion to "Green", the denim gets processed to it's natural cotton fiber then returned to it's original fiber state and treated with a borate solution which provides exceptional thermal performance. Unlike the traditional insulation, this can be installed without gloves, contains no formaldehyde, is hypoallergenic and provides 30% more sound absorption.In addition, this is the only insulating product that contains an active mold/mildew inhibitor. Donating a pair of jeans will help communities in need of insulation for their homes. Make a difference today by visiting The Cotton.For Blue To Green Organization

If this inspires Spring cleaning and you want to turn your clothes into cash, contact Dana at Refresh your Closet. She's the go-to-girl to sell clothing and accessories that are no longer desired in your wardrobe on her renowned ebay boutique store.


  1. so cool! I will for sure be donating all my old jeans. I will also donate the ones my clients bring me that i am not able to sell!
    Thx for the great info!

  2. i had no clue about this... thanks for the info! i have a ton of my 1980's acid wash jeans to donate.


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