If you are anything like me, you are a victim of your environment, wanting all the latest and greatest handbags. Wouldn't I love to open up my own "handbag" closet and have 50 black designer, high-end bags to choose from! Well if that dream can't be a reality, I have found the perfect bag at an affordable price. It is a versatile bag that can transition from daytime to nighttime wear.....it can even be used as a beach bag, if push come to shove. It's made from cotton, and it can be washed, so when you spill your morning cup of coffee on it, the world won't come to an end. And if you are crafty, you can get some fabric, get out your sewing machine and whip up this bag in a matter of a couple of hours. Let's be honest here, I never had a sewing machine, I will never own one and walking into any fabric store will give me a panic attack. So just a little bit a research to find this perfect black bag, and it arrived 3 days later. I am so exited that my days of finding the perfect black bag have come to an end. Now I can finally sleep....LOL.
Made by Zimmermann. Retails for $81 on www.shopbop.com
Do I need this, D?